


用最简单的形式来说: 员工敬业度 是承诺的程度, enthusiasm and dedication employees have towards their work and the organisation.

Some believe engagement is solely about having happy employees, but true engagement goes beyond this. Enhanced employee engagement reveals itself in employees reaching their full potential and delivering exceptional performance at work.

High engagement occurs when employees are channelling that happiness and energy into achieving the goals of the business. 这加快了 个人 and 团队绩效.



你不需要 衡量员工敬业度但我们认为你应该这么做! 

Putting a numerical value on engagement allows you to track trends and changes in engagement over time. You can then understand in more detail the impact that the changes you make in the organisation have on engagement.

Using effective engagement measures helps us to predict and ultimately prevent employee turnover. 

你可以通过员工调查来衡量你的敬业度. Done well, surveys also have the benefit of capturing written feedback as well as data. 它们是创造员工声音的绝佳方式. 



💡 74%的员工 说如果他们是真的,他们愿意提供更多的反馈 anonymous

One of the first topics that comes up when an organisation decides to do an employee engagement survey is utilising a third party company. 

那么使用an的优点是什么呢 员工敬业度平台 执行你的调查? 

  1. 最好的问题是那些在第三方观点的帮助下写的问题. An expert, outside perspective will be most helpful to leadership and HR teams. These questions can be written in a neutral way and make the most of the insight you capture. 

  2. For anonymity and trust, using a third-party employee survey platform is crucial. It makes the survey-taking experience for employees as psychologically safe as possible. It might be challenging for teams to trust their responses are anonymous when surveys are conducted internally.

  3. A specialised platform can greatly speed up data processing and the time it takes to move from survey 启动行动. 当涉及到分析和传播调查结果, choosing a platform to do the data-crunching for you can be a smart investment. 通常可以节省大量的时间. 



The surveys should be kept brief and contain only the questions that would elicit the best responses from the staff.

为您提供数据点和书面答复, we advise using a variety of scaled questions (0–10) with a few written feedback questions also. This will allow your team to finish the survey in a reasonable amount of time and give them the opportunity to provide comments that are more in-depth.

💡目标是将员工调查的问题数量控制在12-20个左右. Better data quality and response rates will result from doing this as people won’t lose interest.

我们建议你问的问题要符合4个参与支柱, to ensure that you are exploring a number of different areas that contribute to employee engagement.


💡当一个公司带着目标领导时,员工就会 78%的可能性 想要在那家公司工作.

When employees feel connected to the mission of the company, their engagement improves significantly. 他们在工作中找到意义和目的, 知道他们的努力贡献了比自己更大的东西. 


💡As many As 57%的员工 因为老板辞职. The strength of your leadership team makes a huge difference to the culture and success of your teams.

A great leader inspires and motivates their team members, earning their trust and respect. 它们提供了明确的方向, guidance, 和支持, 让员工充分发挥自己的潜能. 


💡 74%的员工 say that a lack of professional development is preventing them from reaching their full potential.

当员工对自己的角色感到满足时,员工敬业度就会提高. 当个人发现他们的工作有意义并且与他们的价值观一致时, 他们有动力把时间和精力投入到工作中, 超越自己去实现目标. 


💡 Organisations that trust their employees increase their employee engagement by 76%.

The highest-performing teams have one thing in common: psychologically safe workplaces. 

Psychologically safe workplaces promote healthier, more productive and more inclusive workforces. They also provide the environment in which innovation can thrive and people can perform at their best.


A successful business depends on knowing how to encourage team engagement and satisfaction at work. 

利用员工敬业度调查收集真实的, 值得信赖的输入, it’s possible to take action and build a fantastic workplace with the feedback and data.


Ten Space helps organisations understand what is driving, or holding back engagement in their teams. 

我们经常这样做, 定制敬业度调查, 旨在触及文化和参与的核心.

WhatsApp,短信 & Email

💡 38%的员工 计划在未来6个月到1年内辞职.

我们的调查平台通过Whatsapp、SMS收集员工反馈 & 通过电子邮件进行调查,这样你的员工就可以根据自己的条件做出回应. 

We ensure that you can reach all your employees, even those without a company email. This inclusivity fosters better communication and engagement throughout your workforce.

这将带来更高的参与度和更具包容性的体验, 收集所有人的数据, easily.


💡 1/3一线员工 感到与总部的同事脱节 十分之四的员工 觉得他们的管理脱离实际. 

你想知道答案就问吧. We provide a bank of great questions for you to choose from that covers the 4 pillars of employee engagement. 

如果你有什么特别想知道的,我们也可以帮你! 我们的参与专家可以帮助指导您创建完美的问题.


💡 38%的员工 don’t feel their manager knows them well enough to understand their full potential.

There are some challenges you might face in engaging and addressing issues within a dispersed workforce, 员工在哪里工作. 

It can be difficult to pinpoint specific problems or concerns without the ability to gather location-specific feedback.


This enables you to gather feedback from specific locations, teams or job roles. 有了这个见解, you can identify the exact sources of challenges and implement targeted action plans to address them effectively.

开始您的旅程与我们的高参与通过 保持联系. 或者看看我们是如何帮助别人在我们的工作中创造令人难以置信的工作场所的 案例研究.

