
这可能是一个数字消费主义的新时代, but many marketers continue to use the same old methodologies from before the time of digital customer journey mapping and analysis – but are these methodologies still fit for purpose? 现在, consumers have much more control throughout the buyer journey than they used to, so which marketing framework should we be using to build a winning strategy?  

一方面,我们有营销渠道, a tried-and-tested methodology used by marketers across the world. On the other hand, we have See Think Do Care, a framework created by Avinash Kaushik 这是由客户数据驱动的. 营销渠道 is undoubtedly a methodology with proven results, 但随着消费者习惯的改变, 与他们接触的策略也应该如此. Here we detail the subtle, yet profound differences between the two different marketing strategies.  


自1898年以来,营销漏斗一直在发挥作用. 由E . St . Elmo发明, the methodology is acknowledged as the first formal theory of marketing and has been an integral tool for marketers the world over for more than a century.  

营销漏斗关注的是一次客户旅程, guiding the consumer down the buyer funnel until they eventually come out of the bottom having purchased from the brand. 然而, 尽管这是一种可靠的方法, the funnel methodology was designed when there was less data available at our fingertips – data that gives us better understanding of the complexities of consumer behaviour.  

过去,进入市场的途径较少. 除了让顾客亲自走进你的商店, 或者在电视广告上大肆挥霍, 很难与消费者接触. There was less competition because the consumer relied on locality, 商业街最划算的交易, 与消费者接触的机会也更少了. 现在, 多亏了网络, consumers have the convenience of being able to research products quickly and easily. 用户旅程更长, 有更多的考虑和不同的接触点, but it also gives brands the opportunity to engage with their target audience at different stages of the buyer journey.  


发送脉冲 provide a perfect example of the marketing funnel adapted for the new age, 使用知名彩妆品牌NYX.

  • The journey begins and the consumer enters the top of the funnel when they engage with the brand and land on the brands P感兴趣 Page, 感兴趣. 营销渠道的可视化表示.

The consumer will be served with adverts pushing a specific product with relevant imagery and a brief description containing several links to the NYX website, 将客户转移到漏斗的下一个阶段, 考虑. 

  • 一旦消费者点击了促销帖子, 他们被重定向到网站的特定部分, 致力于这个特定的产品. 他们有许多不同的选项可供选择, 满足他们的需求, 引导他们进入漏斗的意图和评估阶段. 
  • 最后, 消费者只需点击两下就可以购买该产品, 把他们带到营销漏斗的末端. 

毫无疑问,这是一个能够提供ROI的好策略. 然而, this strategy does not cater to the complexities of the new age of digital consumers. This is where the See Think Do Care methodology comes out on top.  

参见Think Do 护理:一个新时代的方法论 

您可以在我们的网站了解更多十大网博靠谱平台STDC及其应用 博客 然而,给你一个简短的概述:

Modern technology and the proliferation of media – including the internet – has provided an opportunity to engage and communicate with customers at every stage of the buyer process. STDC acknowledges that a consumer isn’t always going to transact the first time that they engage with your brand. 因此,该方法支持a 多渠道营销策略 重新吸引消费者. 使用数据分析数字化客户旅程, STDC allows you to cater to their individual needs and serve the consumer with all the information they need, 这取决于他们在买家渠道中的位置.  


使用数据来了解消费者行为, 使您能够识别特征, habits and hobbies of your largest addressable qualified audience. These people aren’t looking to purchase right now, but they will be 感兴趣ed in what you offer. 因此, 你要把精力集中在这些人身上, so that when they have a requirement for your products or services, 你是他们心中最重要的. 


These people have some commercial intent but are still doing research to find the best brand, 满足他们需要的产品或服务. Using data and keyword research, you can pinpoint the information that these people are seeking. 通过满足这种需求, 用相关的内容和信息回答他们的问题, 你是在鼓励消费者再次与你互动.  


现在 our consumers have loads of intent, they know what they want. 最终的决定可能取决于价格, 可用性, 交付选项, 品牌价值和服务评价.  


These people are your existing customers who have purchased from you on multiple occasions. Your objective is to build brand loyalty and ensure that they come back to you time and time again.  

Analytics tools give you the power to know exactly where your consumers are in their journey, 使你能够预测他们的下一步行动. 


What the marketing funnel doesn’t take into 考虑 is the consumer dropping off the paved path. 这张由marketoist拍摄的图片很好地捕捉了视觉效果.


营销渠道 was created at a time when it would have been impossible to identify and engage with your consumer before they even know that they need your services. 然而现在, 我们不仅可以为客户提供更好的体验, but we can also obtain a clear view of attribution and success leading to better overall ROI. 营销渠道仍然有一席之地, but this needs to expanded upon and incorporated into a methodology such as STDC.  

PushON applies the See Think Do Care methodology to all of our campaigns with great success – just ask 银十字架. To learn more about how we can shake up and transform your marketing strategy, 今天就十大网博靠谱平台的团队. 

