
制作物品:DigiCamp 斯托克波特


Get ready for DigiCamp 斯托克波特: the unconference that promises to break the mould of traditional conferences!

The theme of this unconference is - A fusion of art, tech & 社区:重新定义可能性...


Unlike conventional gatherings, an unconference is driven by its participants: you.

The concept of an unconference came about when people realised that the conversations happening outside of scheduled talks, 与会者之间, were more interesting than what the ‘expert’ speakers were saying on stage. This is because traditional conferences are often highly influenced by the agenda of the organisations that sponsor the event. unconference则不同. There is no underlying agenda and no predetermined speakers. The attendees form sessions and cover the topics that really interest them.

As an attendee of DigiCamp 斯托克波特, you’re also a potential speaker. You might come with a talk prepared on a topic of your choice or think of something on the day - often stemming from conversations or other talks attended. You don’t even have to present a traditional talk; you could facilitate a discussion, 把人们聚集在一起组成一个小组, 展示一个你做过的项目, 或者举办一个互动研讨会. All sessions are 30 minutes long, but other than that - there are no rules…


DigiCamp 斯托克波特 will kick off with an introductory session, during which we will bring everyone together to outline how the day will work.

一旦活动开始, 我们将打开“网格”, where each attendee wanting to run a session writes their proposed session on a Post-it note and pops it into a room/time slot. There will be three rooms available throughout the day and ten time slots to fill—so that’s a total of 30 sessions to choose from!

三个会议同时进行, you can choose which you would like to attend during each time slot. If you attend a session that turns out to be less interesting than you thought it would be, 你可以离开去参加一个不同的会议. Unconferences work on the rule of “ voting with your feet,” and attendees are encouraged to move around as much as they want to get the most out of the event.

在一天结束的时候, 我们让大家聚在一起分享见解, reflections and future plans 激励d by the sessions attended.

An unconference takes everything mundane about a traditional conference and turns it on its head. DigiCamp 斯托克波特 promises to put the fun back into conferences, cultivate new connections and spark groundbreaking ideas.


到达时我们会提供点心, 有甜点和水果的自助午餐, 茶, 全天提供咖啡和冷饮. Please be sure to list any dietary restrictions when booking to ensure these are catered for.


DigiCamp 斯托克波特 is designed to unite those in the arts, 文化, 技术, 教育及社会界别. We exist to create a space that fosters conversation, collaboration and innovation between those who are passionate about sharing ideas, learning from peers and blurring the lines between arts and tech.


If you’ve ever had a brilliant conversation with a fellow attendee interrupted by the scheduled event you’re at, 那这就是你的活动了. Those conversations between attendees outside of event-scheduled speakers matter the most. DigiCamp 斯托克波特 brings those conversations to the forefront of the event and gives you, 的与会者, 塑造世界的力量.


This event is being organised by MadLab’s Claire Wicher. Claire is a seasoned digital educator and events manager, having delivered creative digital training to people for almost a decade and having previously run BarCamp Manchester between 2014 and 2017.


这个活动是免费的. 我们收取3英镑的预订费, 参加活动时可以退还哪些费用, or, 如果你愿意, 你可以把它捐赠给MadLab CIC. If the booking fee is a barrier, please contact claire@madlab.org.英国预订您的位置.

DigiCamp 斯托克波特 is not just an event; it's a movement towards a more participatory, 协作, 创新的数字化未来. Mark your calendars and prepare to be part of an unconference where your voice shapes the conversation. This is an unmissable opportunity for everyone involved in community organisations, 创造性艺术, 和数字创造领域走到一起, 激励, 得到启发. 不要错过!

2024年4月26日 9:30 - 16:30
2爱德华街斯托克波特SK1 3 nq英国
SK1 3 nq

